
Name: Diana
Birthday: June 30th
Sun sign:  Cancer
Home town:  Tucson, AZ
Hobbies/Past-times:  Painting, drawing.  Going to art festivals and roller derby.
Family/Pets:  My son, daughter-in-law, & grandson live in Tucson.  I live with my kitty, Paisley.

Books:  "The Tao of Pooh"
Movies:  "Two Spirits" by Lydia Nibley and "The Kids are All Right"
TV:  "Big Brother", "Hells Kitchen"
Music:  many different genres.  Favorite song is "Imagine"
Quotes:  "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."and "wu wei"

Fitness Goal(s): Overall health and fitness.  Movement and flexibility to be part of my every day life.  Body fat, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar all in "Normal" ranges.
Active for Life 10 Week Activity Pledge: I am pledging to walk (or comparable movement) at least 800 minutes in 10 weeks.
Exercise Program: Walk 20 minutes at least 4 days/ wk. 
Favorite Fitness Activities:  I like to walk.  Beyond that, I don't know.  I haven't tried many :(  I'm ready to find out!